Polyplex 7 for electrical insulation

Polyplex 7 for electrical insulation

Multi-thickness elastomer polyurethane membrane for electrically insulating flexible coating

Polyplex 7 for electrical insulation www.denber-paints.co.il

Polyplex 7 for electrical insulation www.denber-paints.co.il

Two-component polyurethane “rubber” coating. 100% solids 150% elongation. Multi-thickness and powerful for electrically insulating coating for durability in particularly harsh conditions including direct exposure to sun and rain, is especially suitable as a protective upper coating for electrical insulation of electrical systems and electronics exposed to water and moisture to prevent short circuits, as well as systems that are in displacement for fixation and protection from physical injury that can be caused by vibrations and mechanical blows.

POLYFLEX 7 FLEXIBLE ELECTRIC ISOLATION COAT – for absolute sealing and electric isolation.                                                                               

A unique coating of a particularly strong flexible membrane, the abrasion-resistant coating has a unique molecular structure with an extremely high amount of chemical bonds that creates an impenetrable chemical matrix, which seals completely against the passage of gases and water and allows elongation and contraction according to temperature changes. Strengthens the existing infrastructure and gives a smooth, washable and very strong layer suitable for electrical insulation of voltages and high currents. Insulates electricity and prevents the passage of electricity over the expected surface to prevent electric shock and/or short circuit.

Passed gas opacity tests at the Proton Institute Test Report No. 2116RFT-attached to this specification.

Polyplex 7 for electrical insulation

Multi-thickness elastomer polyurethane membrane


  • Excellent electrical insulation.
  • 100% solids, contains no solvents / thinners, can be applied in closed spaces without odor and without solvents in the air.
  • Flexible lengthens by at least 150% and bridges capillary fissures.
  • Strengthens any infrastructure.
  • Excellent adhesion capacity for infrastructure.
  • Suitable for internal and external coating.
  • In regular sun exposure, a protective layer “Acrylic Denbergloss” should be added.
  • Suitable for coating underground cables as a sealing and electrically insulated protective layer.
  • Suitable for coating high voltage lines and high-voltage power connections.
  • The intensity of its adhesion allows for a multi-thickness coating in one thick casting from 0.5 mm in the walls and up to 5 cm and more.
  • Easy to apply and dries quickly.
  • Ready for repainting and / or coating on the same day and even within a few hours in the summer.
  • An extremely dense molecular structure that prevents the passage of gases and water.
  • Resistant to blows and scratches and heavy loads.
  • Resistant to chemicals, heat and environmental cold.
  • Withstands heat up to 100 degrees and cold up to minus 50 degrees.
  • High electrical insulation.
  • Hard to tear and easy to repair in case of injury.

Polyplex 7 for electrical insulation

Multi-thickness elastomer polyurethane membrane


  • For coating high voltage cables on and underground.
  • As an upper layer for electrical insulation of systems that may come into contact with water or high humidity and transmit electricity that can endanger human life and / or cause short circuits.
  • For painting accessories and parts that produce / transmit electricity and portable / permanent ground equipment that generates electricity.
  • For coating printed circuit boards.
  • For coating transformers for sealing and preventing damage from vibrations.
  • For anchoring electronic components and circuits to their assemblies.
  • To prevent detachment or tearing from fixation by gluing with the material, of wires, cables, electrical circuits and electronics.
  • To reduce vibration and noises of electrical equipment.

Technical Data:

  • Theoretical coverage – 1 liter per 2 square meters = 0.5 mm layer thickness for insulation of voltages and low currents.
  • Elasticity – 1 mm (Sheen)
  • Elongation – > 150%
  • Density – 1.2-1.4 gm\cm3
  • Viscosity – 7,000 cps (Brookfield).
  • Stiffness – > 10 dg (Erikson).
  • Mixing ratio – 3:1
  • % Solid – 100%
  • Abrasion – 120 microns – 2500 cycles (Gardner) ASTM
  • Recommended layer thickness – no thickness limit.
  • A number of layers is recommended – as much as necessary for full electrical insulation.
  • Hardness – after 28 days SHORE D – 70
  • Pressing strength – 800 kg/cm2.
  • Tensile tearing strength at 100 mm/min – 60 kg/cm2 (ASTM D-412))
  • Adhesion to concrete – more than the strength of the concrete.
  • Humidity chamber – 30 days at 100% humidity at temperature 49OC without loss of adhesion or damage to the film one hour after removal from the liquid
  • Thermal shock – no adhesion losses.

Multi-thickness elastomer polyurethane membrane

  • Pot Life = Working time from the moment of mixing B+A – 20-30 minutes (varies from transparent to varied and depending on temperature).
  • Distilled water resistance 24 hours – without loss of adhesion or corrosion 1 hour after removal from the liquid.
  • Hydrocarbon resistance – without loss of adhesion one hour after removal from the liquid.
  • Oil resistance 1250 24 hours at 121OC – without loss of adhesion 4 hours after removal from the liquid.
  • Hydraulic oil resistance 24 hours at 66OC – without loss of adhesion 4 hours after removal from the liquid
  • Heat resistance –OC 121 for 60 minutes. No tonal changes up to Delta E =1.
  • Minimum ripening time – 24 hours
  • Final ripening time for exposure to chemicals – 7 days.
  • Maximum humidity in the air is allowed for application – 65%
  • Electrical insulation (dielectric strength) at temperatures 18-22 degrees – 30 kV per mm – passes.
  • Dielectric strength for breakdown voltage into dry layer 25 microns – 150 KV/mm (ASTM-D-149)
  • Electrical insulation level –1.5X1014 ohms/cm³.

Polyplex 7 for electrical insulation

Multi-thickness elastomer polyurethane membrane


  • Special polyurethane resin.
  • Makes it difficult.
  • Fillers, pigments.
  • Special flexion materials.
  • Depth penetration materials.
  • Additives.


  • Transparent cloudy, gray, red/brown and according to order.


  • Silk.

Touch drying:

  •  4 hours, final for walking – 24 hours, final difficulty – 7 days.

Drying between layers:

  • 24 – 6 hours depending on the heat of the environment. Fingerprint check.

Application methods:

  • Brushing, scrolling, casting.
  • With the addition of Cabosil becomes thickly past in any required thickness for thick vertical application with spatula. There is no thickness limit and can be applied to any desired thickness.


  • The product is free of solvents, a minimum level of ventilation is required.


  • No dilution.

Polyplex 7 for electrical insulation

Multi-thickness elastomer polyurethane membrane

Surface preparation:

  • Make sure that the surfaces for the coating are free of any dirt and grease.


  • 5 liters, 18 liters.


  • In a cool, shady place at room temperature.
  • Be sure to have lids tightly closed.

Shelf life:

  • 12 months in the original packaging.

Cleaning tools:

  • Dilutes 11-D at the end of painting.


  • Do not eat, keep out of reach of children.
  • Ensure proper ventilation at the time of application.
  • Wear goggles, solvent-resistant gloves, protective clothing.
  • In case of injury – seek immediate medical attention.


  • Do not mix with substances not recommended by us.
  • Avoid contact with skin and eyes, causing dryness and irritation of the skin. On contact, rinse with plenty of running water and seek medical attention.
  • Keep the packaging lids tightly closed, especially part B, which makes it difficult to get moisture-sensitive.

Quality Control:

  • In the laboratories we have operated according to the specifications.
  • ISO 9001-2015

Polyplex 7 for electrical insulation

Multi-thickness elastomer polyurethane membrane

For the user’s attention:

This technical specification is for non-binding general information only. The product is a professional product for professionals only who have already acquired previous experience in its application. Nothing written in this specification serves as a substitute for advice / guidance by an authorized consultant / instructorIt is mandatory to apply first on a small area for conformity testing before applying large areas. The content of this specification changes over time and updates are introduced, updated versions must be requested. The names of professional consultants / instructors can be obtained by phone. Read the MSDS for the product before starting to work with it.

Manufactured by Denver Paints & Coatings Israel Ltd., P.O.B. 690 Sderot, 80100, certified by the Standards Institution of Israel in accordance with ISO 9001-2015

Multi-thickness elastomer polyurethane membrane