Topcolor Matt Eckerstein tiles
Eckerstein color for interlocking tiles and stones
Topcolor Matt Eckerstein wear-resistant sealer – the color of interlocking stones and tiles in shades of red, gray, orange, white and more.

Eckerstein Matt interlocking shingles sealer resistant to abrasion

Eckerstein Paint Tile Sealer

Terracotta color sealer

Color for interlocking stones and tiles
Sealing top paint for interlocking stones in Dutch pavements and roads and for roof tiles
Eckerstein Matt Interlocking Tiles Sealant Color Resistant to Wear – Fine Silk Matte Top Synthetic Paint Resistant to Wear for Painting Pavements and Roads Made of Interlocking Stones Eckerstein. Corresponds to the requirements of TI 756.
Ackerstein paint – synthetic top coat paint, for integrated sidewalks and roar stones
Decorative synthetic paint in Eckerstein shades , for painting and renovation for the beautification and protection of sidewalks and roads with interlocking stones as well as tiled roofs. Does not contain lead
- One-component, ready to use after dilution and mixing.
- Used as an abrasion-resistant top paint in Eckerstein and other shades (Hamra red, terracotta, orange, blue, mustard, white, gray)
- Seals and prevents water penetration.
- Smooth decorative.
- Very washable, resistant to rain for many years.
- Easy to apply by any means possible.
- Reasonable mechanical strength.
- Excellent resistance to outdoor conditions, UV resistance
- Excellent adhesion to interlocking stones and tiles.
- For painting sidewalks with interlocking stones.
- For painting Dutch roads with interlocking stones.
- and for painting tiles.
Topcolor Matt Eckerstein wear-resistant sealer – the color of interlocking stones and tiles in shades of red, gray, orange, white and more.
Technical data:
- Consumption – 150-100 grams per square meter.
- Coverage – 1 liter per 10-15 square meters) for all shades.
- Recommended layer thickness – 40-65 microns horizontally.
- Recommended number of layers – 1-3 for perfect coverage.
- Wet thickness per spray layer – 120 microns.
- Flexibility – 1 mm (sheen) passes the test of Israeli standard 935 section 307.
- Grinding minutes – up to 50 microns (Ti 785 part 15 – up to 60 microns).
- Density – 1.10-1.25gm/cm 3 .
- % solids by volume – 50% < (in white shade – 55% by volume).
- Resistance to immersion in water – no bubbles, no softening, no change in adhesion, (TI 935 section 312)
- Bleeding resistance – no less than level 6 according to ASTM D-868 and ASTM D-969
- Viscosity -0.5-1.5 sec (HAAKE) 1,000-2,000cPs ( Brookfield)
- Stiffness – Dg10 < (Ericsson)
- Abrasion – 120 microns – 850 cycles (Gardner) ASTM, American standard ASTM D4060 Dry film thickness 200 microns, weight loss – 2 grams per 500 cycles (standard – up to 2.5 grams authorized loss)
- Heat resistance up to 70 degrees Celsius without change in properties and deformation.
- Eckerstein – Hamra red, terracotta, orange, blue, mustard, gray, white (Eckerstein crossings and white tiled roofs). and
- Silk matte. and
- Brushing/rolling – 5-10% mineral turpentine. and
- Spraying – 12-30% thinner D-18 pressure 3-4 atm. and
- Airless – 5-10% thinner D-18 pressure 5-6 atm Diza “0.015. And
- Immersion – 60-80% mineral turpentine. and
Area preparation:
- Thorough cleaning of dust, grease, dirt, can be done with degreaser Z, spread and rub well with a road sweeper and wash with high water pressure. (If washing with water pressure, wait for complete drying) f
- 5 liters, 18 liters. and
This technical specification is for non-binding general information only. and
Manufactured by Denver Paints and Coatings Israel Ltd. , P.O. Box 690 Sderot, 80100, certified by the Israeli Standards Institute in accordance with the ISO 9001-2015 standard