Dengal epoxy for thick casting – 100% solids Dengal epoxy can be cast for swimming pools
Epoxy casting for swimming pools Epoxyden-Dengle 100% solids can be cast for swimming pools – thick and high-strength epoxy coating for swimming pools for repairing cracks and thick coating and adding aggregate for roughing.

EPOXYDEN DENGAL 100% SOLIDS www.denber-paints.co.il
Blue and colored epoxy top paint, two-component, smooth and decorative, free of lead and chromates for painting and renewing swimming pools and water reservoirs. Suitable as a hard and thick top coating for swimming pools, including concrete, aluminum and steel pools.
Casting epoxy for swimming pools Epoxydan-Dangle 100% solids can be casted for swimming pools – a hard thick epoxy top paint, 100% solids, colored, suitable for swimming pools and freshwater reservoirs and others with low chlorine content and limited pollutants. Extremely strong with a unique molecular structure that meets the requirements for durability under fresh water under long exposure to the sun, produced in accordance with the requirements of no zinc and chromate content and complete non-toxicity suitable for drinking water as epoxide HB19 (2300) which is tested according to the Israeli standard of the Standards Institute, approved by laboratories abroad for resistance to drinking water as well as approval of the Israeli Standards Institute No. 8412234992.
Suitable for a highly aggressive corrosive environment in class C5-I and meets the requirements of the ISO 12944-6 standard for chemicals (ISO 2812-1), for humidity chamber (ISO 6270), for salt chamber (ISO 7253) For the grade: DURABILITY RANGE – HIGH
Dengal epoxy for thick casting – 100% solids Dengal epoxy can be cast for swimming pools
- Epoxy – top paint with high mechanical strength and high adhesion to the foundation suitable for durability under water.
- Resistant to alkaline solutions and mixed acids and abnormal humidity conditions.
- Excellent adhesion to the substrate under constant underwater conditions for years.
- Easy to apply and dries quickly.
- Ready for repainting the same day after a few hours.
- High coverage area.
- Suitable for sun exposure underwater
• for swimming pools
• for water reservoirs
Technical data:
- Coverage – 1 liter per 5 square meters in a dry layer of 200 microns.
- Flexibility – 4 mm (sheen)
- Density – part A 1.1-1.25 gm/cm3, part B 0.85-0.95 gm/cm3 (1475 (ASTM D
- Viscosity – part A about 95 carb, part B about 45 carb (10%+)
- Stiffness – 10Dg< (Ericsson)
- Flash point -460 degrees Celsius
- Amount of solids – part A by weight 100%, part B by volume 100% (ASTM-D-2369) and
- Abrasion – 120 micron – 4560 cycles (Gardner) ASTM f
- Adhesion to aluminum – 220 kg per square meter and
- Impact strength – 3.6 Dg/mm2 and
- Recommended layer thickness – 200 wet microns. 200 microns dry (minimum values) f
- Recommended number of layers – 1
- Hard drying time – 6 hours. and
- Pot life (working time from the moment of mixing A with B) – 0.5 hours in the shade. In the sun – 15-20 minutes. and
- Mixing ratio A:B – 2.5:1 by volume. and
- Waiting time after mixing and before starting to paint: without waiting, apply immediately. Mix well with a mechanical stirrer, transfer to another vessel, mix again and only then start painting. Do not paint directly from the container in which the mixing was done for the first time due to paint on the sides and bottom that does not mix completely and does not dry.
- To the old site http://www.denber-paints.co.il
- This technical specification is for non-binding general information only.
- For full specifications: casting epoxy for swimming pools Epoxiden-Dengal