Concrete restoration at the Yad Kennedy memorial site

Concrete restoration at the Yad Kennedy memorial site
As part of the restoration of buildings – concrete restoration at the Yad Kennedy site
Denber Projects has completed a renovation of the Canadian Hand Monument. Yad Kennedy is a memorial site to US President John F. Kennedy, established west of Moshav Ora and Moshav Aminadav in the Jerusalem mountains. The shape of the site is unique: it is built as a felled tree trunk, next to symbolize the assassination of the beloved American president. Denber specializes in the field of building restoration and offers a variety of effective and quality solutions.
The structure is built of 53 concrete pillars, each 7.2 meters high – each pillar represents one of the states of the United States also by the state emblem embossed on each of the pillars. An extension area around the building is about 1,500 square meters and it is used for commemorative events and friendship events between Israel and the United States. A memorial candle is lit inside the memorial site in memory of the President.
The site was designed by architect David Reznik. The idea for the establishment of a memorial forest named after the president, and at its center the memorial site was an idea of Menachem (Max) Bressler, head of the Jewish National Fund in the United States at the time of the president’s assassination.
As part of the restoration of buildings – concrete restoration at the Yad Kennedy site
Denber Projects CEO Baruch Kogan says that Denber Projects received the Kennedy Hand Restoration Project and returned it to its original appearance. He said before the renovation, the building was in a dilapidated condition and suffered from crumbling concrete parts, peeling and rusting of the iron, swelling and “explosions” of the concrete and Many cracks and fractures throughout the structure.
Kogan added that Denber carried out concrete restoration that included quarrying and removal of cracked and broken concrete and exposing a stable infrastructure with clean iron, exposure and treatment of the rusty corrugated epoxy primer rust converter which is a unique Denver product, filling in missing concrete parts with epoxy putty, polishing and polycarbonate painting. UV and roof sealing in a B3 three-layer polyurethane system with Denbersil®-roof sealer 1 Roof sealing
The successful execution of the project led the architect David Reznik as well as senior JNF officials to send a letter of appreciation to Denber Projects.
Denber Paints is a leading manufacturer of advanced and innovative paints, coatings, sealants and chemicals for the home decorative and professional professional market as well as for advanced construction. The company’s plant, which was established in 1989 and in its format in 2002, is currently located in Sderot. The company has a research and development department that deals with original developments and solutions for special needs. Some of Denver’s products are exported and have selected unique products for coating and sealing solutions. Abrasion-resistant floors and sealing with polyurethane membranes applied by Denver Projects in unique works, restoration of buildings and more.
As part of the restoration of buildings – concrete restoration at the Yad Kennedy site
In addition Denber Colors has completed a number of new projects for coating buildings against fire. The projects that have been completed are at the Haganah train station in Tel Aviv and at the Yoseftal train station in Beit Yam, as well as at the Solel Boneh building in Kiryat Atidim in Ramat Hachayal.
The purpose of the coating is to protect the steel columns and beams that support the roof, so that they do not fall and cause the structure to collapse in the event of a fire. In the event of a fire, the paint swells up to 60 times and physically removes the fire from the steel, giving protection of between two and three hours, according to the fire brigade’s requirements.
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