Sealing the floor of the balcony, terrace from rain

Sealing the floor of the balcony, terrace from rain
Clear hybrid polysiloxan membrane
When a neighbor under our sunny terrace or balcony, exposed to rain, complained about water seeping through the porch flooring, dripping on it and dripping from the ceiling, swelling and peeling paint – The phenomenon is very common, and the options for sealing the floor are as follows:
- Raise the entire floor, peel off the old covering and seal the new sheet, re-tile and apply a trowel, etc.
- Apply clear top sealant to the floor.
The first option is complicated and very expensive, there is a lot of dirt, part of the tile will break during dismantling and you need to get just such a new one, which is not always achievable, and then you will have to buy for the whole balcony. Sealing works of sheets include heating the sheets with an open fire to solder them, foul smell and smoke, removing floors and sand and returning them. This is serious chaos, and other parts of the house are also “participating” in the “celebration” of the dirt.
In short, it is expensive, difficult, dirty.
Clear hybrid polysiloxan membrane
The second option is a transparent top sealing of the floor covering with a material: Floor sealant, paved balcony from Denber. Polish the existing floor to remove scale and dirt using a pump (never moisten with water), apply with a brush to the panels around and slightly above, pour the material into the far end of the balcony and spread evenly with a 0.5 mm thick roller over the entire flooring. It penetrates every hole and hole, including open joints, and seals them with a uniform sealing layer that prevents water from entering the floor through it. For every 10 square meters of balcony space, a 5 liter paved floor sealant must be purchased.
Conclusion: the second option, of course, is relatively simple and significantly cheaper, the execution ends on the same day, after 24-48 hours you can already walk on the balcony. There is almost no dirt, a little ash formed during grinding is immediately sucked in, and at the end of pumping the material is already applied. Even huge balconies can be finished in one day. We now have a waterproof balcony.
Clear hybrid polysiloxan membrane
Note: If the floor wall joint has an open space that is visible, this space must first be closed at the end of the polishing and pumping process before you start applying the paving material to the paved balcony floor. If the floor is light, it is recommended to use the material: Polyflex Schpachtel, which is a special sealing pad that is suitable for this and ideally combines with the balcony floor sealant. You can punch a small hole at the top, squeeze out some material and use your finger (wearing a glove, of course) to fill in the space, press in the material and apply to create a smooth and beautiful thin strip. After 2-4 hours the entire balcony can be applied, including the transparent floor sealant, to Polyflex Schpachtel.
The sealant coating is glossy and of good quality and it is recommended to leave it that way. The shine will diminish over time. For those who are very disturbed by the shine and want to make it matte, a matte powder is attached, which should be spread on the balcony sealant immediately after 24 hours and no more, and wiped with a rag and added to the coating. The coating will become dull. Remove excess powder (do not rinse with water).
For more information about sealing the floor of the balcony, terrace from rain please contact us.
web site: denber