Interior wall paint What color is chosen for painting the walls

Interior wall paint What color is chosen for painting the walls

Interior wall paint What color is chosen for painting the walls

Interior wall paint What color is chosen for painting the walls

The complete guide – article by: Dr. Belen Evgenia

The home design is in your hands. Choose the shades and colors for the decoration to your taste.

Once every few years, or every year before Passover, the need to renew and refresh the appearance of the interior walls of the house arises and returns – again and again the question returns, which color is chosen? What is the most suitable? Which one will we paint the living room and bedroom walls with? What about the ceilings? And in the bath with all the moisture? And in the kitchen? What about choosing shades to our taste? How do we choose them? And in general, how do you approach the operation? How do you prepare the house for painting? What colors do you choose? How do you paint?

Shade fan for wall colors

Shade fan for wall colors

The home design is in your hands. Choose the shades and colors for the decoration to your taste.
  1. Preparing the house for painting : furniture should be moved away from the walls to the center of the room and covered with plastic. Cover the floor near the wall with plastic or paper for a distance of at least 1.5 meters, attach with adhesive paper. remove any object hanging on the walls: photos, paintings, television, speakers, souvenirs, etc. cover with adhesive tape and nylon – panels, door frames, windows, doors, sockets and circuit breakers disassemble frames and carefully cover with masking tape to prevent contact, God forbid, permanent furniture such as wall cabinets, bathroom and kitchen etc. Nails and screws and protruding dowels must be removed to allow continuous painting with a roller. Wrap ceiling and wall lamps in plastic so that there is no direct contact between the heating lamp and the plastic. Very carefully – removing all the external plastic parts of the electrical switches and electrical sockets and wrapping the rest with an easy-to-remove adhesive tape.
  2. Preparing the walls for painting:  go over the walls with a damp cloth to remove dust, remove loose paint by scraping and polishing with glass paper, dust removal, a suitable and strong  Dunbrol -type bonding primer layer, a suitable putty from  the American Dunbar putty type  to fill holes from drilling and nails, align dents and repair broken wall corners, Treatment of capillary cracks – widening and deepening and filling with American Dunbar putty, for structural cracks that exceed 3 mm we will use  flexible , multi-thick acrylic Dunbar putty, and for large cracks we will add a bandage to prevent re-cracking, this is one of the most important steps in the work process – proper preparation of the walls will form a solid foundation The paint, which will last for many years, will lead not only to a better result but also to much less difficult cleaning work at the end of the job. Improper preparation of the walls will later cause cracks in the paint and peeling, and this in a relatively short time.

Denberol primer for the wall before paint Denver colors Dunbarspachtel 

The home design is in your hands. Choose the shades and colors for the decoration to your taste.

  1. Walls with mold:  mold is caused by condensation resulting from insufficient insulation of the wall or the penetration of rainwater from the outer wall on which the mold appears. To prevent the penetration of rainwater from the wall, apply a water-repellent  siloxane 290 sealer on the outer wall  in at least two layers to ensure the sealing of the wall from the penetration of rainwater. We will remove the mold on the inner wall by scraping with a putty first, then rubbing with scotch tape dipped in bleach, and the mold area must be smeared with an  anti-fungus solution  for 24 hours. Wash with water and paint the first layer with  Bacterinol paint .


  1. Painting the ceiling:  preparations for painting as in section 1 and preparation of the area as in section 2 above. For ceilings, it is recommended to paint with  Danberside paint, a “breathing” white paint that does not need to have transitory properties such as washability and abrasion resistance, since it is not accessible to the touch like the walls. It is recommended to paint 2 layers. If thermal insulation is needed for top floor residents, 2-3 layers of  Thermosil 200 can be painted  for thermal insulation from the summer heat or winter cold. And for residents of mezzanine floors who suffer from the noise of dragging furniture or feet from the neighbor above, Thermosil 200 will provide acoustic insulation that will reduce these noises. The application as a normal color and eliminates the need for dyeing with Danberside.


Interior wall color What color was chosen to paint the walls of the house?

The home design is in your hands. Choose the shades and colors for the decoration to your taste.

Painting the walls:

  1. Painting bathroom walls:  the bathroom is a high-humidity area where it is necessary to make sure that the walls are “breathable” to allow the moisture absorbed in them to be emitted and evaporated, as well as antibacterial so that the mold fungi that develop only in a humid atmosphere do not develop in them. The walls and ceiling of the bathroom can be painted with an acrylic paint resistant to increased humidity of the  Bacterinol type,  which is a “breathing” paint and also antibacterial and prevents the development of mold. A paint that has been tested bacterially in an international laboratory in England and has a certificate for its resistance in preventing the development of bacteria – it is the same mold that forms in humid rooms.
  2. Bathroom walls that are in direct contact with the bathing water:  these walls have a small area and it is recommended to paint them with an epoxy primer layer of the type ” Epoxidan Fluor Primer “, a penetrating and water-resistant epoxy primer. And a top layer ” Dangle Epoxy ” in the desired shade. This exterior paint is a special waterproof epoxy for swimming pools and reservoirs. This system of base and top is the most suitable for painting the walls of the bathroom, it can be applied to old ceramics, but it must be polished well first and vacuumed well. Gaps must be filled before painting and polishing with ” polyplex putty “
  3. Painting the walls of the house:  it is recommended to paint the interior walls of the house with a fine acrylic paint of the type ” Denbercryl 4000 ” with an official standard mark of the Israeli Standards Institute. The color “breathes” is resistant to washing and scrubbing according to the standard. Water-based paint is comfortable to use and user-friendly with an extremely high level of coverage. You can paint with a white shade or any shade from any shade fan available in the market according to the number on the fan.


The home design is in your hands. Choose the shades and colors for the decoration to your taste.

In many cases, the shade you choose from the fan will look different on the walls of the house, so if the choice is light pastel shades and there is no clear decision on a desired shade, but you want to shade the actual walls at home, until you reach the desired shade, you can purchase shades of the ” Formula 2000 ” type with which you can reach all A pastel shade is desirable. You can add red to get a pink wall, or ocher to get a cream tone, or black to get a grayish one, or blue and red to get a light purple, etc., etc…. At least 2 layers of paint must be applied to get a smooth and beautiful uniform surface.

  1. Painting equipment:  corners between walls and between walls and ceiling should be painted with a long, soft hair brush, for painting the ceiling a small telescopic pole should be used so as not to paint above the head and absorb drops of paint on the head, it is recommended to paint horizontally and not lengthwise for reasons of comfort and ease for the hands, neck and shoulders. For the walls, it is recommended to use a high-quality roller with long or medium fiber hair and with a suitable paint tray to reduce the possibility of excess paint dripping on the roller and paint leakage on the wall. You can also paint with a pad.


  1. Design and decoration effects:  shades can be combined in painting the walls of the rooms. In the living room and rooms you can choose one wall in a deeper shade than the others. This combination adds beauty and visibility to that room. Breaks the monotony and boring look of identical white walls for example. To increase the “warmth of the atmosphere” this wall can be painted in “warm” tones. Based on red, brown/caramel, green, orange and yellow such as burgundy, beige/dark cream/medium. (coffee and cocoa shades in cafes for example). These are more suitable for master bedroom and dining room. An atmosphere that also encourages the appetite. For a “colder” atmosphere such as toilets, showers. – You can choose shades based on blue, gray, silver and purple. It’s all a matter of personal taste and matching the colors to the desired atmosphere and furniture items in the painted rooms.

The home design is in your hands. Choose the shades and colors for the decoration to your taste.

A central wall on which the TV is installed, for example. You can watch a colorful decorative licht and even add glitter for the lovers of the genre. You can also combine gold and metallic silver color. Gently and tastefully in the living room. A metallic color for one of the walls adds luxury to the look of the living room. For bedrooms and especially for children’s rooms, you should choose soft and pleasant shades to prevent a noisy and loud atmosphere. For lovers of the concrete shade, walls in this shade can also be combined. and applying a second layer with sponge gel in circular motions. You can make a wash effect on one of the walls. By scanning the color diagonally or diagonally according to the desired taste and texture.

Remember: light colors “enlarge” the room. Apparently, dark colors are the opposite, diminishing. That is why it is important to choose color shades and their depth carefully. not to damage the visibility you want to get at the end of the painting. It is very easy to be disappointed by a wrong choice. But what’s good is that acrylic watercolors of the Denvercryl 4000 type. You can immediately paint a new layer in the desired shade and correct the mistake.

