Performance specification IFR30 flame retardant – Denber Paints

Performance specification IFR30 flame retardant – Denber Paints

Performance specification IFR30 flame retardant – Denver Colors

Standard 755 IFR-30 transparent flame retardant for impregnating wood, cloth, sponge to make them non-flammable

IFR 30  –  flame retardant for impregnation

Prevents fire – turns a flammable absorbent product into a non-flammable one

IFR30 flame retardant performance specification

IFR30 flame retardant performance specification

IFR30 flame retardant performance specification

IFR30 flame retardant performance specification

Transparent impregnation, fire protection for absorbent flammable materials such as: wood of all types, sponges, cardboard, paper, carpets, fabrics of all types, plaster and other absorbent materials, to prevent forest fires and extinguish and prevent fires. Suitable for extinguishing category  A fires  according to the American classification (wood, paper, textiles, garbage, general fires, etc.)

Standard 755 IFR-30 transparent flame retardant for impregnating wood, cloth, sponge to make them non-flammable

Flame Retardant IFR30 Flame Retardant
Flame Retardant IFR30 Flame Retardant

Absorbs, inhibits and prevents combustion on a water basis for insertion, to upgrade flammable products to non-flammable according to the requirements of standard 755 grade  5.

IFR-30  is a transparent liquid that does not change the shade and natural texture of the infrastructure in which it is absorbed. A small area should be tested before spraying on large areas of carpets and curtains.

The goal:

  • Impregnation for absorbent flammable materials, such as wood, fabrics, paper, for a significant to final reduction of the flammability of the impregnated products. By soaking in prolonged immersion – any flammable absorbent product can be made completely non-flammable.
  • Upgrading existing products and improving their fire resistance.
  • Final product marketing (such as wooden pallets, veneered wood and/or Formica, carpets, curtains, tarpaulin and blanket fabrics, paper-coated plasterboards, acoustic sponges, etc.) non-flammable safety compared to a flammable product.
  • The significant reduction of fire damage, before the outbreak of the fire by delimiting the possible fire areas by spraying on thorns and trees and the ground, and during fire extinguishing as an additive to extinguishing water or aerial extinguishing.
  • Extinguishing and quickly taking control of flammability.

Performance specification IFR30 flame retardant – Denver Colors

Standard 755 IFR-30 transparent flame retardant for impregnating wood, cloth, sponge to make them non-flammable


  • High quality flame retardant. Easy to use impregnation by any means.
  • Transparent liquid – absorbs well without changing the color of the surface or its natural texture.
  • Does not contain toxins.


  • For the impregnation of all types of wood – solid, sandwich, plywood, sheet metal, chipboard, MDF and wood products before coating with fireproof varnish (anti-flame varnish  or  anti-flame Danbergloss ) .
  • For impregnating carpets, fabrics, curtains, etc.
  • and impregnation of cardboard, paper and their products, etc.
  • and for impregnation of parquet floors, wooden walls, wind boxes, wooden ceilings, wooden skeleton roofs, wooden garden furniture, wooden doors and shutters, wooden railings and stairs, etc. before coating with anti-fire Danberglus anti-wear varnish or anti-wear varnish.
  • For impregnation of wooden play facilities, wooden fences and ornamental trees, public wooden facilities such as pergolas, etc.
  • and for impregnating acoustic sponges in shooting ranges, concert halls, cinemas, theaters, recording studios, etc.
  • and for the protection of forests and fields by demarcating fire paths that are sprayed with a material to prevent the spread of fire in the event of an outbreak.
  • For spraying camping areas to prevent barbecue fires.


  • Clear.

Standard 755 IFR-30 transparent flame retardant for impregnating wood, cloth, sponge to make them non-flammable

User manual:

  • Thorough cleaning of the area, application/pouring/spraying/immersion of IFR-30 until saturation.
  • On horizontal natural wood surfaces – you can apply/sprinkle in a spill and wait for maximum absorption. The excess can be applied with a brush to other surfaces.
  • On carpets – you can spray until you get a saturated and moist carpet.
  • And on wooden walls and ceilings in large areas – you can spray with a paint sprayer or Airless or a back sprayer until complete wetting, the operation must be repeated at least twice. Excess should be applied with a brush to prevent excess material from drying out and the formation of a concentration of salts which will have to be wiped with a damp cloth to remove otherwise white spots will form.
  • Frames, fences and wooden doors, etc., the material can be applied with a brush or by spraying. Repeat the operation at least twice until saturation, white salt stains should be dissolved and spread with a damp cloth.
  • On tree trunks – spray as it is up to a height of 2 meters from the ground.
  • For fire demarcation paths in fields or forests – spray on the ground or on the thorns/bushes as they are.
  • For products exposed to water/rain – the impregnation must be renewed every year, the wood should be treated with an anti-fouling varnish or  totagum varnish  to prevent water ingress and washing the material out. Fabrics and carpets must be renewed after every wash or every year – whichever comes first.
  • Products that are not exposed to rain or water such as shingle construction wood – must be renewed once every three years.

Standard 755 IFR-30 transparent flame retardant for impregnating wood, cloth, sponge to make them non-flammable

Estimated consumption:

  • Solid wood – 4-7 square meters per liter
  • Short hair carpet – 3-4 square meters per liter.

Drying times:

  • Between layers – 4-6 hours, final – 24 hours

Application methods:

  • Brush, roller, spray.
  • When spraying, avoid contact with the body and eyes. Goggles, gloves, full clothing must be worn. (On contact causes dryness of the skin and burning in the eyes – on contact, wash thoroughly with running water)

 Cleaning dishes :

  • water.


  • Not for food, keep out of reach of children.
  • Ensure adequate ventilation during application.
  • Wear goggles, gloves and protective clothing.
  • In case of injury – rinse thoroughly with water, if irritation occurs seek medical attention immediately.
  • Be sure to carefully read the safety instructions on the label.


  • Do not mix with materials not recommended by us.
  • Avoiding contact with the skin and eyes, causes dryness and irritation of the skin. In case of contact, wash with plenty of running water and seek medical attention.