ISO 9001 certificate

ISO 9001 certificate

ISO 9001 Denber Paints and Coatings Israel Ltd

ISO 9001-2015 is valid until February 29, 2024

ISO 9001-2015 certificate valid until February 29, 2024

ISO 9001-2015 certificate valid until February 29, 2024

ISO 9001-2015 valid until February 29, 2024
ISO 9001-2015 valid until February 29, 2024

TI 9001 ISO is an Israeli standard which is a translation of the international standard ISO 9001.

ISO 9001-2015 is valid until February 29, 2024

The standard defines requirements for a quality management system. Compliance with the requirements of the standard indicates that the organization: 

  • Able to consistently deliver a product that meets customer requirements and applicable legislative requirements.
  • Strives to increase the satisfaction of its customers through the effective implementation of the quality management system in the organization.
  • Responding to the risks and opportunities that belong to the context and its goals.
  • Implements processes for continuous improvement of the system by ensuring conformity (CONFORMITY) to customer requirements and applicable legislative requirements.
  • TI 9001 ISO is suitable for all types of organizations, regardless of the type and size of the organization and for all types of products and services. The organization must define the processes that will enable compliance with the customer’s requirements and expectations, over time.

The standard is based on seven quality principles:

Focus on the customer, leadership of hiring employees, process approach, improvement, evidence-based decision making and relationship management.
The standard uses the process approach, the planning-execution-check-act (PDCA) cycle, and general risk-based thinking to build a useful (effective) quality management system.
Many organizations require their suppliers and subcontractors to meet the requirements of the ISO 9001 standard as a condition of their employment.
As of the end of 2017, over a million active organizations worldwide were registered according to the ISO 9001
standard. The standard belongs to the 9000 family of standards which include a standard for terms (ISO 9000), requirements for implementation (ISO 9001), and management for sustainable success (ISO 9001). ISO 9004).

ISO 9001-2015 is valid until February 29, 2024

The standard is suitable for all types of organizations, regardless of the type and size of the organization and for all types of products and services. The organization must define the processes that will enable compliance with the customer’s requirements and expectations, over time.

ISO 9001:2015 is a standard that defines the requirements for a quality management system that the organization must meet. The organization must demonstrate its ability to provide products that meet customer requirements and applicable legislative requirements. Customer satisfaction and continuous improvement are also part of the cornerstones of the ISO 9001:2015 standard. At the base of the ISO 9001:2015 standard are the principles of quality management: focus on the customer, leadership, employee involvement and commitment, process approach, improvement, evidence-based decision making, relationship management .
The first version of the standard was published in 1987, since then there have been four updates in the years: 1994, 2000, 2008 and 2015. ISO 9001 is an international standard that includes a system of procedures and work instructions to ensure an effective quality management system in the organization, in any field: industry, services, high-tech, public administration, education, food, agriculture, construction, transportation, infrastructure, and more. ISO 9001 focuses first and foremost on “quality management” of the service and/or the product, and defines the requirements for a quality management system. The ISO 9001 standard is a worldwide standard that takes care of continuous quality control and gives many organizations, small and large, the seal of approval that the said organization does everything for the satisfaction of its customers. The standard has gone through several incarnations over the years due to technological and psychological modernization and today we use the ISO 9001 standard 2015 edition.