Epoxy coating, tables, floors, jewelry
Epoxy coating, tables, floors, jewelry
The use of epoxy began at the beginning of the 20th century with its invention in 1927. Epoxy began as an adhesive mixture – consisting of two materials mixed together: a base (polymer) + a hardener or catalyst. It is one of the strongest adhesives on the market that generates tens of billions of dollars a year.
Uses for epoxy –
Epoxy glue – we find the strong epoxy glue in many areas such as in airplanes, sailing vessels, vehicles and where a strong glue resistant to natural damage, temperature changes, etc. is required.

Epoxy glue . www.denber-paints.co.il
- Color – the strength of the epoxy and its resistance to temperature changes, scratches, moisture, rust gives it the uniqueness of being used in applications such as in the automotive industry (epoxy paints on metal), as well as in the marine sector – the advantage of the adhesion of the epoxy paint to metals preserves and protects the metal from the effects of salty sea water . Upper epoxiden
- Coating – the adhesion strength of the epoxy allows the coating to be applied to almost any surface we want to protect. Clear fluorine epoxy

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Epoxy – adhesives, coatings for floors and castings for tables and jewelry
- Casting – its strength and the ease with which the epoxy can be processed allows molds, models to be cast at a lower cost and easier than metal castings or models made of wood. The combination of epoxy together with carbon fiber or fiberglass fabric enables the construction of strong and light molds or bodies that are used in the automotive and aviation industries. Epoxyden Floor 100%
- Art – also in this field, thanks to the ease of application of the epoxy, produce art products such as embedding works in transparent epoxy, etc.
Epoxyden Floor 100% crystalline epoxy for casting tables

DIY – even for less professional home use. Simple and cheap mixing of two materials is used and enables quick repairs of leaks, cracks and adhesions.
At the Denver Colors company, you will find applications for epoxy:
Epoxy for the floor – the application is mainly in the field of industry in places where mechanical transportation of cranes, forklifts and heavy carts is required – these tools will often be used with silicone wheels. The properties of the epoxy (resistance to heat and chemical substances) provides effective protection to the concrete or flooring surfaces in the industrial sector. Low casting cost and the possibility of quick and efficient realization, this has an advantage in realization, for example, in parking lots, garages, shopping malls, etc.

Epoxy coating, tables, floors, jewelry
Epoxy – adhesives, coatings for floors and castings for tables and jewelry
Epoxy for wood – the ease of application and the relatively cheap price of the epoxy allows filling, gluing and wood repairs. The epoxy is used to seal the wood and protect it from external damage in a variety of colors from transparent to black.
And also epoxy for the tables – the combination of epoxy with wood. Allows the creation of tables designed in many styles. Starting from casting epoxy for tables, through gluing various wooden parts and creating tables to sealing the wood and creating tables. It is of course possible to produce tables made of epoxy only. The Denver Colors company supplies crystalline epoxy for tables of the highest quality and at a competitive price.
Denber Projects Company – Execution with over 30 years of experience