Colors at a level the wall did not know

Colors at a level the wall did not know

Colors at a level the wall did not know

Colors at a level the wall did not know

How to cover every stain on the wall with paint with only two hands – for the professional painter.

If you are a professional wall painter, it is important for you to provide quality work quickly and efficiently in as little time as possible and with minimal layers of paint to cover the wall.

Flats before delivery from a contractor are the largest painting areas for a single project. After all the professionals (plasterers, electricians, plumbers, tilers, carpenters, aluminum, etc.) the walls are full of putty repairs, inscriptions in marker or crayon, black streaks, dirt and stains.

First hand we need a layer of paint with full coverage to hide all these, so that in the second hand we get a clean and uniform white wall.

Colors at a level the wall did not know
Colors at a level the wall did not know

The paint  is full coverage one layer and quite a first hand  – wall paint for whitening and covering stains  will do the job. To cover stains and whiten the wall. This paint is unique in the content of its fillers and its coverage thanks to them and lift all the signs from the walls that usually stick out under the first layer of paint. Stubborn stains from putty repairs are mostly very difficult to hide with normal paints in the first layer.

After we made the wall an opaque white, with no signs of the defects that we covered with the “full coverage one layer is enough” paint, all that remains is to give a high-quality finishing layer of white to get a perfect wall ready for delivery.

The Dunbarcryl 4000 paint   will give an opaque and white finish just as we want.

Colors at a level the wall did not know
Colors at a level the wall did not know

Thus, in two layers, a professional painter can perform fast and efficient work and hand over apartments to the contractor while saving tremendously on expensive work time and unnecessary layers of paint.

Special prices for contractors including delivery to the field.
