Asphaltflex execution specification – Denber Paints

Asphaltflex execution specification – Denber Paints

Asphaltflex execution specification

the Asphaltflex execution specification

Asphaltflex  for coating and sealing an asphalt floor, performance specification

Asphaltflex execution specification

Asphaltflex execution specification

A material called “Asphaltplex” produced in our factory and based on a mixture of special polyurethane polymers, which create an optimal coating to protect and preserve the asphalt. Flexible coal tar polyurethane, two-component 100% solids, multi-thickness and high-strength, for flexible filling and sealing of cracks and asphalt surfaces,  thin for casting or thick for application . for resistance to high pressures and severe vibrations. For abrasion and compression resistance of all types of vehicles under all loads. Suitable for all types of wheels with and without air. Resistant to deep freezing temperatures and unlimited thawing. Suitable for driving vehicles and forklifts .

Asphaltflex  for coating and sealing an asphalt floor, performance specification

The advantages of the “Asphaltplex “:

  1. The ” Asphaltflex ” polyurethane coating has a unique strength and flexibility suitable for the load of heavy trucks and forklifts.
  2. And The coating is resistant to chemicals, including oils, fuels, acids, cleaning agents of all types, including acidic and alkaline.
  3. And the polyurethane coating is resistant to UV radiation and sun damage. (excluding natural fading)
  4. And the coating seals the asphalt layer against liquids such as: water, oils, fuels, cleaning agents…and more.
  5. The coating repels dirt and water and oil stains and is easy to maintain.
  6. The coating is elastomeric, lengthens and contracts in accordance with changes in the infrastructure.
  7. And the coating levels evenly and aesthetically without expansion seams and weak connection areas.
  8. And the elasticity of the coating gives it protection as a shock absorber.
  9. The coating is easy to maintain and damage if caused by the fall of a heavy body is local and can be repaired.
  10. The coating prevents the erosion of the asphalt, maintains its integrity and extends its life.

Asphaltflex  for coating and sealing an asphalt floor, performance specification

The steps of the coating execution instructions:

  • In the case of a lot of grease and/or soot – washing the surface with  a special detergent  and water pressure to remove grease,  waiting for complete drying . A relatively clean area can and is better polished without wetting with water.
  • Planetary diamond polishing in vacuum and suction.
  • Opening and expanding cracks and filling the holes and cracks in the asphalt layer with certified Asphaltflex with Cabosil powder.
  • Applying a thin first layer – the primer layer. Apply a thin layer with a roller or squeegee to ensure full coverage without swelling from water.
  • Apply a casting layer of the required thickness according to the expected load. Low load private car – 1 mm, trucks and forklifts – 3 mm.

Preparation of the Asphaltflex mixture:

  • Mix part A with B in a 3:1 ratio
  • Transfer to a clean container and mix again – mandatory. All this within up to 10 minutes to prevent the material from heating up and spoiling.
  • Immediately pour and spread all the material on the floor quickly to prevent heating and spoilage.
  • A level with a serrated spreader bar and a spiked roller to remove bubbles.

Asphaltflex execution specification – Denver Colors