Do-it-yourself roof waterproofing

Do-it-yourself roof waterproofing

Methods and materials for sealing DIY flat roofs

Methods and materials for sealing DIY flat roofs

Do-it-yourself roof sealing – in flat roofs

Methods and materials for sealing DIY flat roofs

Do-it-yourself roof sealing - flat roofs

Do-it-yourself roof sealing – flat roofs

A leaky roof  is a bundle of trouble whose consequences are devastating and sometimes a trouble for generations that is already difficult to repair and restore the situation to its original state. Rainwater that penetrates into the house, if it drips and destroys the ceiling – creates swelling and disintegration of the paint and falling pieces of plaster, or water which are absorbed into the walls and cause the paint to swell and the plaster to crumble. But the biggest and most irreversible damage is the penetration of water into concrete ceilings and walls and/or concrete columns that wets the rebar and causes it to rust and swelling that cracks the wall, these cracks weaken the wall and the damage is already permanent. Sealing is mandatory for the roof and exterior walls of the building. Neglecting these will cause accelerated wear and tear and the obsolescence and disintegration of the structure and the need for frequent and expensive renovations.

Therefore, before winter, it is recommended to carefully go up to the roof  (referring only to flat roofs with a railing around, tiled roofs and waterproofing only with a professional approved to work at height)  and perform a visual inspection, if you see a problem it must be dealt with immediately. If you don’t see it yet, you should perform routine maintenance. Below are the methods for self-sealing a roof before winter. Small sealing works carried out every year independently can save a lot of damage and money.

Sealing a flat concrete roof coated with bituminous sheets and with parapet walls all around

In the first step –  we will check if there are tears in the bituminous sheets or if the recovery connection of the hiding of the sheets between them is opened.

How we will repair:  first we will thoroughly clean the area of ​​the tear and/or the opened solder. If there is swelling or distortion, remove any bump with a Japanese knife. Stubborn dirt or applied sealants should be removed with a steel brush. It is recommended to apply  ” epoxydan aqua primer ”  primer on the surfaces for gluing or filling. After about two hours of drying, apply a generous layer of   ” Danversil 1 – Roof Sealer 1 ”  (white liquid polyurethane rubber) on the tear area and between the sheets for gluing and sealing. Or use polyurethane ” polyplex gum “. After fully drying for 24 hours, apply another layer on a slightly larger area and embed a polyester mesh to armor the area.

Epoxydan Aqua Primer Danversil 1  Polyplex gum

Methods and materials for sealing DIY flat roofs

In the second step –  after repairing defects in the sheets that can be identified, it is recommended to go over the entire roof with a layer of sealing to ensure sealing even of defects that we have not seen with the eye, and these can certainly be, for example, small holes or small cracks.

Execution steps:

A. First, of course, wash with water pressure and thoroughly clean the roof also with detergents and wait for it to dry completely for at least 24 hours.

B. Applying epoxy aqua primer on the entire roof about 1 liter per 5 square meters

third. Applying the sealing layer one of 4 options below. 1-1.2 mm thick at least

Four options for self-execution of the sealing layer on the entire roof area  for application with a roller :

  1. Acrylic waterproofing –  water-based  ” roof-rubber “,  easy and comfortable to apply on a water-based basis, every year before winter a new thin layer must be made. A product for regular maintenance to prevent the passage of rainwater.
  1. Super white rubber roof for sealing and whitening fiber-reinforced roofs

    Super white rubber roof for sealing and whitening fiber-reinforced roofs

    2. Polyurethane sealant ” Denversil 1 – Roof Sealer 1 “,  a strong and flexible white one-component liquid polyurethane rubber   , resistant to standing water. Must be renewed every 5-10 years. First apply  ” Epoxydan Aqua Primer ”  and after drying apply 2 layers of  “Danversil 1 – Roof Sealer 1”  Apply with the sealant on the walls of the parapet around and on the legs of solar heaters, in air conditioners, penetrating pipes, chimneys, etc.

And 2 more improved options for the upper sealing layer:

3. Polyurethane sealant ” Danversil 2 – roof sealant 2 ”  two-component polyurethane rubber   durable 10-20 years. Only one layer of 1 mm thickness can be applied to the epoxy aqua primer layer. A flexible coating that is strong like no other and resistant to abrasion and scratches.

Roof sealing and thermosil polyplex thermal insulation

Roof sealing and thermosil polyplex thermal insulation

4. Sealing and thermal insulation ” Thermosil Polyplex Roof ”  two-component polyurethane rubber sealant and thermal and acoustic insulator manufactured with nanotechnology.

When we have finished sealing the roof, we must also seal the walls of the roof railing and the coping, which absorb rainwater that seeps through them to the top floor of the building and under the sheet sealing. Here we recommend applying a  ” siloxane 290″ transparent sealer

Siloxane 290 transparent sealer natural look

Siloxane 290 transparent sealer natural look

Methods and materials for sealing DIY flat roofs

Roof tile sealing

Due to the sharp slope of tiled roofs, sealing must be done only by a professional who has a certificate confirming work at height. Wash under high pressure with detergents to remove green, mold and other dirt. Wait for 24 hours to dry. Apply clear epoxy aqua primer to the entire roof. Waiting for drying for about two hours. Repair cracks if any with polyplex gum. Apply ” Akarstein paint ”  sealing paint for tiles and interlocking.

Sealed roof in Eckerstein color Denver Paints

Sealed roof in Eckerstein color Denver Paints

 Sealing the roof of an insulated panel or ischerry

Such roofs with a railing can be done by yourself. Without a handrail, only with a professional who has a permit to work at height, who must be tied with a harness to a lifeline before starting work.

First pressure washing and thorough cleaning.

If the roof is rust-free – apply a layer of ” epoxydan aqua primer “ . 1 liter per 5 square meters

If the roof is rusted – polishing the rusted areas and applying ” rust converter epoxy ”

Applying ” polyplex mastic “  on tin connections and screws

Applying 2 layers of ” Danversil 1 – Roof Sealer 1  ” 1-1.2 mm per square meter